This afternoon (Noon EST) and beyond this weekend we will be going off in many tengents. Expect a "Sublime" mix for shamanic dance and more. Shamanic dance mixed with global grooves can be such a powerful experience—melding ancient rhythms with modern beats to create something truly unique. Whether you're dancing solo, with friends, or in a larger group, the key is to let yourself get lost in the music and connect with the energy around you. Enjoy the journey and let the dance guide you! If you have any favorite tracks or artists you're planning to include, I'd love to hear about them!

Move it! Move it!

In a world connected, hearts embrace, From distant lands, we find our place. With melodies that lift the soul, And rhythms making spirits whole. From mountains high to oceans wide, We gather sounds that turn the tide. Old tunes that tell of ancient lore, And new beats that we all adore. Uplifting notes, a joyful cheer, Music that dissolves our fear. From Africa's drums to Asia's strings, A symphony of joyful things. Latin grooves that make us move, Reggae beats with a mellow groove. European waltz and island song, All together, we belong. Dance we will, to the global beat, With every note, our hearts will meet. In unity, our spirits soar, Connected by the music's core.

Without music, life would be a mistake. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, poet, and cultural critic, is known for his bold and controversial ideas on various subjects. In this quote, he expresses his belief that music is an essential part of life and that life without it would be a mistake. Music is a universal language that can communicate emotions and ideas in ways that words cannot. It has the power to evoke strong feelings and can be a source of inspiration, comfort, and entertainment. Music can also bring people together and create a sense of community. Nietzsche believed that music was important because it could help individuals transcend the limitations of everyday life and connect with something greater than themselves. For him, music was a way of accessing the sublime and the spiritual. While some may disagree with Nietzsche's assertion that life without music would be a mistake, it is clear that music has played a significant role in human culture for thousands of years. From the earliest forms of music created by our ancestors to the complex compositions of modern times, music has been a constant presence in human life. Ultimately, whether or not one agrees with Nietzsche's assertion, it is clear that music is an important part of human experience and has the power to enrich our lives in many ways.

Free to Dance

Free-form dance truly is a beautiful and liberating form of expression. It transcends structured choreography, allowing individuals to connect deeply with themselves and their surroundings through movement. Here’s why it’s such a cherished practice: Freedom of Expression: Free-form dance liberates participants from the constraints of formal dance styles or techniques. It encourages you to move in ways that feel natural and authentic, fostering a deep sense of personal expression. Spontaneity and Creativity: Without set choreography, dancers are free to improvise and respond to the music in real-time. This spontaneity sparks creativity, as movements are born from the moment and the emotions evoked by the music. Music as Inspiration: The diverse range of music played during free-form dance sessions serves as a catalyst for exploration. Different rhythms, melodies, and styles offer endless possibilities for movement, inviting dancers to explore and embody the music’s energy. Inclusivity and Diversity: One of the most beautiful aspects of free-form dance is its inclusivity. Participants come from diverse backgrounds and can move in any style they resonate with—be it classical ballet, urban hip-hop, or experimental forms like contact dance or clowning. This diversity enriches the dance experience and promotes acceptance and understanding among participants. Self-Discovery and Connection: Engaging in free-form dance is a journey of self-discovery. Through movement, individuals explore their bodies, emotions, and creative impulses. Moreover, dancing in a group setting fosters connection and community, as participants share a profound experience of movement and expression together. Joy and Well-being: Dancing freely can be immensely joyful and therapeutic. It releases endorphins, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. The joy of moving without inhibition can be a powerful antidote to the pressures of daily life. High-Energy Examples from Various Genres: Free-form dance sessions often feature high-energy music from a wide array of genres, each bringing its unique flavor and energy: Worldbeat: Energetic tracks like "Pata Pata" by Miriam Makeba or "Waka Waka" by Shakira bring infectious rhythms and vibrant melodies. Reggae: Songs like Bob Marley's "Could You Be Loved" or Damian Marley's "Welcome to Jamrock" offer rhythmic beats perfect for free-flowing movements. Ska: The upbeat tempo of The Specials' "A Message to You Rudy" or Reel Big Fish's "Sell Out" encourages lively and spirited dancing. Fusion: The eclectic mix in tracks like "Chameleon" by Herbie Hancock or "Birdland" by Weather Report provides a rich tapestry of sounds to explore. Funk: Classics like "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder or "Get Up Offa That Thing" by James Brown make it hard to stay still, urging dancers to groove with intensity. Blues: High-energy blues tracks such as "Boom Boom" by John Lee Hooker or "Pride and Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughan combine soulful melodies with powerful rhythms. Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Modern beats from artists like Calvin Harris' "Summer" or Avicii's "Wake Me Up" provide an electrifying atmosphere perfect for high-energy dancing. Rock: High-energy rock anthems like Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" or AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" inspire vigorous and dynamic movements. Hip-Hop: Tracks like Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On" or OutKast's "Hey Ya!" offer strong beats and catchy rhythms ideal for freestyle dance. In essence, free-form dance is not just about moving—it’s about living in the moment, embracing individuality, and connecting with others through a universal language of rhythm and motion. It’s a celebration of freedom, creativity, and the beauty of human expression, from retro grooves to modern-day beats. Join me daily or whenever you can to explore retro grooves and more. Dance on my friends. Colin @groovasmique

Global Grooves


World Music: It’s more than just notes and beats; it’s the heartbeat of cultures, the soul of nations, and the language that transcends borders. When we listen to world music, we don’t merely hear tunes; we connect with stories—the stories of people who laugh, cry, and dream just like us. So, let the tabla drums of India, the kora strings of West Africa, and the haunting melodies of the Andes weave a tapestry of understanding around us. Dance: Ah, the universal language of movement! When we dance, we become storytellers—our bodies narrating tales of joy, struggle, and resilience. Imagine our collective dance floor stretching from the Himalayas to the Amazon rainforest, from the bustling streets of Tokyo to the vibrant squares of Marrakech. Our steps echo the footsteps of generations, bridging gaps and erasing boundaries. Raise Awareness: As we sway, twirl, and leap, let’s remember that our dance isn’t just for ourselves. It’s a call to action—a shimmy for change. When we move, we raise awareness about climate crises, social justice, and cultural preservation. Our hips become megaphones, shouting for clean oceans, equal rights, and endangered languages. Let’s dance for the coral reefs, the rainforests, and the disappearing glaciers. Let’s dance for the silenced voices and the forgotten traditions. Cultivate Global Awareness: Picture this: A conga line that circles the globe, passing through bustling cities, serene villages, and ancient temples. Each dancer carries a torch of awareness. We learn about deforestation in Brazil, celebrate Diwali in India, and honor the Maori haka in New Zealand. Our feet touch the soil of every continent, leaving imprints of compassion and curiosity. Embrace Diversity: Our dance floor isn’t monochromatic—it’s a kaleidoscope of colors, shapes, and sizes. The salsa dancer swirls next to the Irish step dancer; the hip-hop crew grooves alongside the flamenco artist. We celebrate our differences, for they enrich our collective rhythm. Let’s waltz with open hearts, embracing the beauty of diversity. The Beat Goes On: When the music fades, our mission doesn’t. Carry the spirit of our dance beyond these moments. Share the rhythms, teach the steps, and invite others to join our global groove. Let’s create a playlist of compassion, understanding, and hope. Remember, the world spins on its axis, but it also dances to its own tune. So, my friends, let’s sway like the palm trees in the Caribbean breeze, stomp like the African elephants, and pirouette like the Northern Lights. Let’s dance for a better world—one where our steps echo love, respect, and unity. And when life throws challenges, remember: “In life as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet. It never gets easier. It just gets better.” Now, let the music play, and may your hearts beat in sync with the pulse of our planet.

Get your groove on!

Groovasmique - "Music crosses borders, transcends barriers, bridges gaps and reaches the places other art forms can not reach. Your heart and soul benefit greatly from submitting to the Rhythm!" African Rhythms, World Music, Afrobeat, Reggae, Ska, Dub and more. Dancing to music from all around the world can be a thrilling and transformative experience for a number of reasons. Here are some of the best reasons to dance to global grooves: Exposure to new cultures and perspectives: Dancing to music from different parts of the world can expose you to new cultures, traditions, and perspectives that you may not have encountered before. This can broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding and appreciation of the world around you. Celebration of diversity: Dancing to global grooves is a celebration of diversity and a recognition of the rich cultural tapestry that makes up our world. It can help foster a sense of unity and respect for all cultures and peoples. Physical and emotional release: Dancing is a great way to release pent-up energy and emotions. When you dance to global grooves, you can tap into the unique rhythms and beats of different cultures, which can be invigorating and cathartic. Exploration of self-expression: Dancing to music from different parts of the world can inspire new forms of self-expression and creativity. It can challenge you to move your body in new and interesting ways and help you develop your own unique style. Joy and fun: Ultimately, dancing to global grooves is about joy and fun. It's an opportunity to let loose, have a good time, and connect with others who share your passion for music and dance. So whether you're exploring African rhythms, Afrobeat, Global Grooves, Reggae, or any other genre, dancing to music from all around the world can be a transformative and enriching experience that can bring you joy, connection, and a deeper understanding of the world around you.

A wider perspective!

Listening to world music can significantly broaden your understanding of different cultures. Here are some ways in which it can expand your knowledge: Cultural Insights: World music provides a window into the cultural practices, beliefs, and values of various societies. By immersing yourself in music from different parts of the world, you gain insights into how people express themselves, celebrate, mourn, and communicate through music 1. Appreciating Diversity: Exposure to diverse musical styles, rhythms, and languages allows you to appreciate the richness of cultural diversity. Each culture has its unique musical traditions, instruments, and vocal techniques. By listening to this variety, you learn to appreciate the beauty of different artistic expressions 2. Empathy and Understanding: Music has the power to evoke emotions and connect people across borders. When you listen to songs from other cultures, you develop empathy by understanding their joys, sorrows, and struggles. It bridges gaps and fosters a sense of shared humanity 3. Social and Historical Context: World music often reflects historical events, social movements, and cultural shifts. By exploring different genres, you learn about significant moments in various societies. For example, African drumming may tell stories of resilience and freedom, while Indian classical music reflects centuries-old traditions 2. Breaking Stereotypes: Music challenges stereotypes and misconceptions. When you encounter unfamiliar sounds and rhythms, you question preconceived notions. It encourages you to see beyond surface differences and appreciate the underlying commonalities 3. Global Citizenship: In an interconnected world, understanding other cultures is essential. Music serves as a bridge, allowing you to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. It promotes tolerance, reduces discrimination, and fosters a sense of global citizenship 4. So, next time you listen to a traditional Japanese koto melody, a lively Brazilian samba, or haunting Tibetan throat singing, remember that you’re not just enjoying music—you’re also expanding your cultural horizons! 🌍🎶

Intercultural Dialogue


World music is a powerful tool for fostering intercultural dialogue and harmony. It can transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, creating connections between people from different backgrounds. When we listen to world music, we are exposed to new sounds, rhythms, and melodies. We learn about different cultures and traditions. We are also reminded of our shared humanity. It can promote cultural understanding. When we listen to world music, we learn about the cultures that created it. We learn about the history, traditions, and values of those cultures. This can help to break down stereotypes and promote mutual respect. It can create connections between people from different backgrounds. Music has the power to bring people together. When we share our love of music with others, we create a common bond. This can be especially powerful in a world that is often divided. It can celebrate diversity. World music represents the diversity of human culture. When we listen to world music, we are celebrating the beauty of different cultures. This can help to promote tolerance and acceptance. By broadening their musical horizons and exploring the diverse range of styles and traditions, people can not only discover captivating melodies but also gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of global cultures. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why individuals should listen to world music and the benefits it can bring to their lives. Listening to world music allows individuals to embark on a melodic journey across the globe, discovering the hidden treasures of various cultures. Each culture has its unique identity, reflecting its history, values, and emotions. By immersing themselves in the sounds of different countries, individuals can gain a profound appreciation for the rich mosaic of human experiences. The rhythmic beats of African music, the soulful melodies of Indian classical music, or the haunting tunes of Celtic folk music offer a gateway to understanding diverse perspectives and engaging with different ways of life. World music encompasses an array of genres and styles, many of which may be unfamiliar to listeners. Exposure to this unique music opens the door to new musical experiences and enriches one's sonic palette. Traditional instruments such as the sitar, kora, or gamelan can introduce fresh sounds, textures, and harmonies often absent from mainstream music. Incorporating these elements into one's musical vocabulary can inspire creativity and innovation in the realm of composition, arrangement, and performance. Music has an incredible ability to evoke emotions and connect with individuals at a profound level. World music, with its diverse range of melodies and lyrics, offers a gateway to experiencing a multitude of emotions. Whether it is the jubilant celebration in Latin American salsa music, the mournful heartache in Arabic ballads, or the peaceful contemplation in Japanese Zen-inspired music, world music has the power to evoke a wide spectrum of emotional responses. This emotional resonance enriches the listening experience and fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of our shared humanity. In an era often characterized by cultural misunderstandings and divisions, world music can serve as a catalyst for fostering intercultural dialogue and harmony. Music has a unique ability to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, creating connections between people from different backgrounds. By actively engaging with world music, individuals can initiate conversations about culture, history, and traditions, ultimately fostering mutual respect and appreciation for diverse communities. Exploring world music brings countless benefits, from promoting cultural appreciation and broadening musical vocabulary to evoking powerful emotions and fostering intercultural dialogue. By embracing this diverse musical landscape, individuals can gain a deep appreciation for the beauty and richness that exists within the tapestry of global cultures. So, let us embark on this melodic journey together, exploring the boundless wonders of world music, and celebrating the harmonious unity that lies within our shared human experience.There are many ways to engage with world music. We can listen to it online, attend live performances, or take classes. We can also support world musicians by buying their music and attending their events. Exploring a Freeform/Shamanic Dance form allows for a diverse and enriching experience, especially when incorporating Shamanic selections. The idea of "Spirit is the Journey" is quite profound, and music indeed has the power to elevate spiritual awareness and create transformative experiences. Shamanic dance tracks can encompass a wide range of sounds, rhythms, and cultural influences. Whether it's through tribal beats, traditional instruments, or electronic elements, the potential for creating a powerful and immersive atmosphere is significant. Each musical tangent can bring its own unique energy and contribute to the overall journey. 🌟🎶Our commitment to using music as a means of celebration and unity is truly uplifting. We will keep spreading the good vibes, and may our playlist continue to be a source of joy and connection to Y'all!. Let the universal language of music resonate around the globe!

Key African Music Styles

Africa is a continent rich in diverse musical traditions, with countless music styles originating from various regions and cultures. Here's a list of some of the prominent music styles in Africa, along with their countries of origin and well-known bands or artists associated with them: Afrobeat Country of Origin: Nigeria Well-known Bands/Artists: Fela Kuti, Tony Allen, Femi Kuti, Seun Kuti, Antibalas Highlife Country of Origin: Ghana Well-known Bands/Artists: E.T. Mensah, Osibisa, Gyedu-Blay Ambolley, Amakye Dede, Daddy Lumba Juju Country of Origin: Nigeria Well-known Bands/Artists: King Sunny Adé, Ebenezer Obey, Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey, Sir Shina Peters Mbalax Country of Origin: Senegal Well-known Bands/Artists: Youssou N'Dour, Baaba Maal, Omar Pene, Thione Seck, Cheikh Lô Soukous (also known as Congo or Lingala music) Country of Origin: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Congo-Brazzaville Well-known Bands/Artists: Franco Luambo Makiadi, Tabu Ley Rochereau, Papa Wemba, Koffi Olomide, Awilo Longomba Hiplife Country of Origin: Ghana Well-known Bands/Artists: Reggie Rockstone, Obrafour, Sarkodie, VIP, M.anifest Benga Country of Origin: Kenya Well-known Bands/Artists: D.O. Misiani & Shirati Jazz, Victoria Kings Band, George Ramogi & the Kenge Kenge Orutu System Chimurenga Country of Origin: Zimbabwe Well-known Bands/Artists: Thomas Mapfumo, The Bhundu Boys, Oliver Mtukudzi, Stella Chiweshe, Chiwoniso Maraire Tuku Music Country of Origin: Zimbabwe Well-known Bands/Artists: Oliver Mtukudzi (also known as Tuku), The Black Spirits Gnawa Country of Origin: Morocco Well-known Bands/Artists: Gnawa Diffusion, Hassan Hakmoun, Maâlem Mahmoud Guinia Afro-Cuban Music Country of Origin: Cuba (with African influences) Well-known Bands/Artists: Buena Vista Social Club, Ibrahim Ferrer, Celia Cruz, Afro-Cuban All Stars Ethio-Jazz Country of Origin: Ethiopia Well-known Bands/Artists: Mulatu Astatke, Mahmoud Ahmed, Hailu Mergia, Getatchew Mekurya Taarab Country of Origin: Tanzania Well-known Bands/Artists: Bi Kidude, Culture Musical Club, Zuhura & Party Afro-Pop Country of Origin: Various African countries Well-known Bands/Artists: Youssou N'Dour (Senegal), Salif Keita (Mali), Angelique Kidjo (Benin), Miriam Makeba (South Africa), Fela Kuti (Nigeria) These are just a few examples of the vast array of music styles found across Africa, each with its own unique sounds, rhythms, and cultural significance.

It all starts with one beat!


"Sacred drumming is seen as a blessed expression of healing, honoring traditions, and spiritual exploration. Drumming has a rhythmic tone of the drummer's intention that the listeners embody. Regarded as a living entity, the drum is viewed simultaneously as a spiritual guardian and a creativity device. Drumming can connect you to your soul's wisdom." A drum circle is a diverse group of individuals gathering for the common purpose of creative self expression in a group music making experience. Rhythmical expression is as ancient and unique as man and found through out world, represented in art, celebration, meditation, and wellness situations. Today Drum Circles are commonly used for social gatherings or to promote wellness in populations such as nursing homes, assisted living, at risk youth, mentally or physically challenged, and various community and corporate situations. A Community Drum Circle is a place for individuals to express themselves through the use of drums and percussion instruments. These instruments are accessible to a multi-generational and multicultural community. An individual can express themselves through the instrument without much skill or technique, becoming a part in the group song. The use of different timbal instruments (drums, shakers, bells, etc.) allows the group to experience a metaphoric relation of the unique individuals involved in creating a diverse spontaneous rhythmic song, fun for the the whole group. As the groups sounds evolve, participants begin to hear the rhythmic interdependent relationships creating the songs. Conversations through rhythmic pulses emerge as the community becomes connected beyond the music produced. A Drum Circle Facilitator is an individual who makes this interactive music making experience "easier" for the participants. A Facilitator on the most nominal description, is creating a space for the expression of a community. Trained professional facilitators recognize the need for empowering each individual as the consciousness of the entire group evolves into a musical composition. Drum Circle Facilitators act in service to the group, helping individuals achieve greater personal potential, shared joy, and interdependent group dynamics. A Facilitator develops a rapport with the participants and through various techniques is able to assist the music into various compositions unique to the population. These compositions become musically sound as the facilitator guides the group to listen and explore their personal expression interacting as an audible organism. Trained Facilitators have a consistent style and technique often inspired by the various communities they regularly work with. Drumming in a drum circle can be beneficial for several reasons: Promotes relaxation and stress relief: Drumming in a drum circle can be a meditative and therapeutic experience, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The repetitive and rhythmic nature of drumming can help to calm the mind and body, and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Builds a sense of community: Drumming in a circle can create a sense of community and connectedness. The shared experience of playing music together can help people bond and feel a sense of belonging and unity. Encourages creativity and self-expression: Drumming in a circle can be a creative and expressive experience. Participants are encouraged to explore and experiment with different rhythms and beats, and to express themselves through their drumming. Enhances coordination and motor skills: Drumming in a circle can improve hand-eye coordination, motor skills, and rhythm. It can also help to improve focus and concentration, as participants need to listen to the rhythms of others and play in time with the group. Promotes cultural awareness: Many drum circles incorporate rhythms and instruments from different cultural traditions. Participating in a drum circle can be a way to learn about and appreciate different musical and cultural traditions. Overall, drumming in a drum circle can be a fun and uplifting experience that promotes relaxation, community, creativity, and cultural awareness. My favorite drummer of all time is Babatunde Olatunji. He was a highly respected Nigerian drummer and percussionist who was known for his unique blend of traditional African rhythms and modern jazz music. His music is still highly regarded today and has inspired many musicians and artists around the world. Olatunji's music is a great example of the power of world music to bring people together and celebrate diversity. Through his music, Olatunji was able to bridge cultural divides and connect with people from all over the world. His music is a testament to the universal language of music and its ability to bring people together. If you enjoy Olatunji's music, there are many other great world music artists out there that you might enjoy. From the infectious rhythms of Afrobeat to the haunting melodies of Indian classical music, the world of music is full of incredible artists and sounds that are waiting to be discovered.

Reggae Vibrations across the nations!

Reggae, ska, and calypso music, along with other Caribbean genres, have been instrumental in spreading messages of unity, positivity, and social justice. Here's a list of some of the most influential artists from the Caribbean over the last 70 years, along with notable titles, and why their music emphasizes the importance of following the ways of Rastafari and projecting positive vibrations: A few tracks for starters from my fave playlists are as follows. Bob Marley (Jamaica) Title: "One Love" Title: "Redemption Song" Bob Marley's music is deeply rooted in Rastafari philosophy, advocating for love, unity, and social change. His songs often carry messages of hope, equality, and spirituality, encouraging listeners to embrace the principles of Rastafari and spread positivity. Peter Tosh (Jamaica) Title: "Legalize It" Title: "Equal Rights" Peter Tosh, a staunch advocate for the legalization of marijuana and social justice, used his music to promote the teachings of Rastafari and to challenge societal injustices. His songs resonate with themes of empowerment, liberation, and equality. Jimmy Cliff (Jamaica) Title: "Many Rivers to Cross" Title: "The Harder They Come" Jimmy Cliff's music reflects the struggles and triumphs of the human experience, promoting messages of perseverance, resilience, and unity. His songs encourage listeners to overcome obstacles and embrace positivity in the face of adversity. Toots and the Maytals (Jamaica) Title: "Pressure Drop" Title: "54-46 That's My Number" Toots and the Maytals' energetic and soulful music embodies the spirit of Rastafari, advocating for peace, love, and unity. Their songs celebrate the joy of life and the power of music to uplift the soul and bring people together. Steel Pulse (Jamaica/UK) Title: "Your House" Title: "Rally Round" Steel Pulse's socially conscious music addresses issues of oppression, injustice, and inequality, urging listeners to stand up for their rights and work towards positive change. Their songs promote unity, solidarity, and the principles of Rastafari. Following the ways of Rastafari and projecting positive vibrations across nations is important because it fosters a sense of unity, love, and respect for all living beings. Rastafari philosophy emphasizes the importance of spiritual enlightenment, social justice, and harmony with nature, principles that are reflected in the music of reggae, ska, calypso, and other Caribbean genres. By spreading messages of love, peace, and equality, artists from the Caribbean inspire listeners to embrace positivity, uplift their communities, and strive for a better world.